Look in the Mirror, that's your Competition
I once shared this same story as part of the caption to introduce the Summer Treats collection. Some of you wrote to tell me it had resonated with you and had given you a new way of looking at yourself and your business journey. It’s one I think about quite often, when I need reassurance to keep going and forge straight ahead or when I read something someone has said about me which makes me feel overexposed and hurt. After all, I’m only human and although I walk around with a chain that reads “Champion” around my neck (yes I do) at times, I experience vulnerability, anxiety and imposter syndrome. Then I snap out of it and realize, it’s none of my business what others think of me and continue to focus on myself and the path ahead. Here’s the story I love to tell/reflect on at my most vulnerable times.
"Don't let your ice cream melt while you're counting somebody else's sprinkles". This has been words I've lived by most of my adult life. I remember watching the Rio Olympics where Michael Phelps competed against Chad le Clos. Even if you're not into sports, this is one of life's greatest lessons caught on video. Right in the middle of the race Le Clos turns to look at Phelps and this slows him down to the point he ends up in fourth place shocking everyone that thought he'd maybe pull off the victory or at least come in close second.
This story fuels me, it reminds me to continue to work hard, stay focused and strive to be better than I was yesterday. I am my competition. There is never a need to look sideways to see what others are doing or what they think of you. They’re not writing my story; therefore it’s pointless to see and compare myself to others. So as I open my eyes every morning, I make it a point to be a champion in everything I do by giving my heart completely to the task at hand. As Eric Thomas says “What you envision in your mind, how you see yourself, and how you envision the world around you is of great importance because those things become your focus”. Stay focused on your journey and enjoy the ride.
XO :)
Poster available here https://www.shopcabin.com/shop/champion-strong-girls-print